Energy indicators of the rescue units members
S. Alekseienko1, G. Zavialov2, I. Shaikhlislamova1
1Department of Aerology and Labour Protection, National Mining University, Dnіpropetrovsk, Ukraine
2The “Respirator” Scientific Research Institute of Mine-Rescue Work and Fire Safety, Krasnoarmiisk, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2016, 10(3):90-96
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      Purpose. To determine energy consumption by rescuers depending on the type and conditions of rescue and emergency response operations.
      Methods. Analytical and experimental methods have been implemented both for the study of rescuers’ energy indicators during rescue and emergency response operations in extreme microclimate conditions and for determining the difficulty of their work.
      Findings. The relationships have been obtained for determining energy consumption of rescuers depending on the carried load weight, the height of area to cross, the angle of the slope and the direction of motion, oxygen consumption from breathing apparatus when going up and down the stairs, as well as dependence of the speed of movement on the first three parameters; the difficulty of the work performed has also been determined.
      Originality. The results of the research allowed to specify the indicators of rescuers’ energy consumption in definite conditions.
      Practical implications. The obtained research results will be used for planning different routes on training grounds, carrying out rescue and emergency response operations including firefighting, doing further research into heat and mass exchange in the heat protective suit with open cycle water cooling for improving the efficiency and safety of rescuers’ work.
      Keywords: rescue and emergency response operations, height of passage, protective clothing, load weight, firefighter, oxygen consumption, speed of movement, angle of the surface slope
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