Industrial research into massif zonal fragmentation around mine workings
O. Khomenko1, M. Kononenko1, M. Netecha2
1Underground Mining Department, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2Research department, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2016, 10(1):50-56
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      Purpose. The main purpose of the work is identification of massif zonal fragmentation around mine workings by means of industrial methods of research.
      Methods. Research into processes of massif zonal fragmentation around mine workings was carried out by means of field experiments with the usage of methods of observation and estimation, mine surveying, massif unloading, deformation of boreholels and deep bench marks.
      Findings. In industrial conditions, results of research into massif behavior around mine workings allowed to define the steady dependence of massif fragmentation depth on the depth of workings contour destruction. It is established that the form of destruction contours of the development and stope ore tend to ellipsoidal shape, the steadiest form of mine working. The change of massif deformation depth across the contours of stoping chambers is mainly realized along power dependence, while in adjoining preparatory workings it is realized on exponential dependence.
      Originality. Systematization of processes of massif zonal fragmentation around mine workings with the purpose of rock pressure usage in technologies of ore deposits mining.
      Practical implications. The steady form of developing and stoping workings contour destruction is defined and dependences of massif deformation depth change containing workings are established.
      Keywords: industrial methods of research, stress-strain state, stoping and development workings, depth of workings contour destruction, zonal destruction of the massif
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