Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Research into stress-strain state of reinforced marginal massif of extraction mine working by combined anchoring system

I. Kovalevska1, М. Barabash2, O. Gusiev3

1Underground Mining Department, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

2LLS “DTEK Energy”, Kyiv, Ukraine

3MA “Pershotravenske” PJSC “DTEK Pavlogradvuhillia”, Pavlohrad, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2016, 10(1):31-36

Full text (PDF)


      Purpose. . Justification of conditions for reusal of extraction mine working by maintaining system parameters of resin-grouted and rope roof bolts.

      Methods. Wide range of investigation of stress-strain state of coal-bearing massif condition and combined support system of resin-grouted and rope roof bolts was carried out by the method of computing experiment.

      Findings. The results are related to stress-strain state of coal bearing massif conditions around reused extraction mine working during roof reinforcement by combined anchoring system consisting of resin-grouted and rope roof bolts.

      Originality. The new task solution by the method of computational experiment is shown in the paper. Curves characterizing the stress-strain state of the system “rock massif – combined anchored reinforcement” are received. The investigations carried out are the basis for support system selection, adapted to the character of rock pressure manifestation.

      Practical implications. Analytical investigations are the basis for selecting optimal support system aimed at its loading and improving exploitation characteristics that are essential part of increasing the rock massif stability.

      Keywords: coal bearing massif, stress-strain state condition, extraction mine working, resin-grouted and rope anchors


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