Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Efficiency of energy resource production while optimizing parameters of socio-economic balance

V. Fomychov1

1Underground Mining Department, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2016, 10(1):89-95

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      Purpose. Definition of the standardized index of energy resource generation efficiency in changing socio-economic conditions considering the development of the technological basis of the modern mining industry.

      Methods. The research is based on systematic analysis of the mutual influence of the extraction technologies development and processing of energy resources, current state of production and consumption of final energy in conjunction with the factors of socio-economic development of selected geographical locations.

      Findings. Change in the state of mining companies technological complex related to such factors as expandibility and scalability, energy density of the extracted resource, availability of infrastructure, ecology and safety should be attributed to socio-economic factors. It is impossible to take into account the whole range of factors considering the type and degree of their impact on the final assessment in any case study and in any analytical model. Therefore, the developed analysis mechanism based on the use of the efficiency criterion for assessing technologies of extraction and processing of energy resource allows to improve the quality and reduce expenses associated with determination of the effectiveness of technologies used in production.

      Originality. The efficiency criterion for assessing technologies of extraction and processing of energy resource is qualitatively different from conventional methods of production efficiency analysis in that it allows to assess the technological, economic and social risks within a single framework.

      Practical implications. The application of the efficiency criterion for assessing technologies of extraction and processing of energy resource can significantly improve the adequacy of assessing the status and prospects of mining enterprise development in the current socio-economic situation. This allows to determine the optimal indicators of energy generation development without involving additional factors in the assessment of its efficiency.

      Keywords: energy resource, energy efficiency, socio-economic factors, mining of mineral deposits, technology


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