Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Recommended practice for using resource-saving technologies and tools for fine classification of uranium ores by size and refuse dehydration

V. Shevchenko1, G. Shevchenko1, G. Lebed1

1Laboratory of vibrating processing of mineral raw materials, N.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2016, 10(1):69-76

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      Purpose. Developing recommendations for the creation and application of resource-saving technologies and tools for fine classification and dehydration of uranium ore refuse for the purpose of its recycling, which is important for the uranium mining industry.

      Methods. Theoretical and experimental methods incorporating analysis of nonlinear elastic strain dynamic systems with unilateral elastic links using modern computer systems and instrumentation.

      Findings. Efficiency of the vibratory classification and dehydration of fine fractions of mineral raw materials on the screening surface with multifrequency excitation has been substantiated. The order of natural vibration frequencies of associated particles under the action of capillary adhesion forces has been established. Parameters of vibration for efficient classification and dehydration of fine fractions of mineral raw materials have been determined. The effect of multifrequency loading parameters on the processes of fine classification and dehydration of granular media has been identified.

      Originality. It was found that if the forces of cohesion between fine particles grow due to their size reducation and 10% increase in humidity, the acceleration level of the working body of vibration multifrequency screening should be raised. For fine granular media with particle size of 20 microns and more, acceleration providing efficient particle classification does not exceed 450 – 500 m/s2.

      Practical implications. The obtained results have formed the basis of resource-saving technology, fine classification and dehydration of uranium ore refuse using vibrating multifrequency screens.

      Keywords: uranium ore, fine classification by size and refuse dehydration, resource-saving technologies and tools, recommendations


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