Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Research into parameters characterizing the process of withdrawing clay-mud formations from bore hole vuggy zones

A. Ighnatov1

1Techniques Prospect of Deposits Department, National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2016, 10(1):63-68

Full text (PDF)


      Purpose. Substantiating technological parameters of the device for processing vuggy zone in the bore hole, based on the obtained dependences describing formation and withdrawal of clay-mud agglomerates and their influence on the results of plugging bore holes.

      Methods. As a result of carrying out laboratory and theoretical researches, principles governing formation of clay-mud agglomerates and their influence on the technological indexes of building bore holes have been determined.

      Findings. Reasons for the phenomenon of bore hole plugging are analyzed. It is shown that boring works efficiency is directly related to the quality of carrying out operations on bore hole casing. Influence of agglomerate slope angle and coefficient of rugosity on the volume of clay-mud pastes in the complicated intervals has been studied. Impact of the clay phase on the strength indexes of plugging stone has been analyzed. Validity of the obtained data has been confirmed by methods of mathematical statistics. The mechanism defining the impact of active drilling liquid streams on the vugular sludge agglomerate has been investigated. Further areas of research into perfecting the technology of bore holes’ casing have been identified.

      Originality. The quality of works on casing and plugging implementing the device for processing the bore hole is determined by the reduction of the sludge agglomerate slope angle in proportion to vugg thickness.

      Practical implications. The results obtained by theoretical and laboratory research can be applied for developing effective technology of casing and plugging the bore holes with high technical and economic indexes. The data received as the result of the study of sludge accumulation in vuggs form the basis for the development of the rational mode parameters for the process of drilling bore holes.

      Keywords: bore hole, vugg, clay-mud agglomerates, device for processing, slope angle, clay, mud fluid


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