Information technologies as a component of monitoring and control of
stress-deformed state of rock mass
Stupnik М.І.1, Kalinichenko V.О.1, Kalinichenko O.V.1, Muzyka I.O.1, Fedko M.B.1, Pysmennyi S.V.1
1Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Min. miner. depos. 2015, 9(2):175-181
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      Basic concepts of information technology using for monitoring and control of the stress-deformed state of rocks when iron ore underground and open mining are given and grounded in the paper. As a criterion in choosing the optimal concepts of information technology use for monitoring and control of stress-deformed state of the rock mass, a minimum of material costs for the implementation of this process is offered.
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