Mining of Mineral Deposits

ISSN 2415-3443 (Online)

ISSN 2415-3435 (Print)

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Justification and selection of ovoid support parameters for development workings

Kurychenko V.Ya.1, Shchedrin V.O.2

1ZDNPC “Geomekhanika”, Pavlohrad, Ukraine

2DTEK, Pavlohrad, Ukraine

Min. miner. depos. 2015, 9(1):55-65

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      The experience and tendencies of development of the means of supporting of development workings taking into account the operational and geomechanical requirements of combined systems are stated. The optimum parameters of shape and deformation-strength characteristics of the frame supports are determined. The justification of design features of ovoid support types and results of experimental-industrial application on deep mine of Ukraine is given.


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Pat. na korisnu model' 61034 Ukraina. Metaleve arochne podatlive kriplennya. – No u201013693; zayavl. 18.11.10; opubl. 11.07.11, Byul. No 22.

Pat. na korisnu model' 54759 Ukraina, E21D11/14. Trilankove metaleve ramne podatlive kriplennya «KMP- A3R3». – No u201005392; zayavl. 05.05.10; opubl. 25.11.10, Byul. No 22.

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